One thing that I like about Rock Steady Boxing is that not only do we get a great work out, we are like a family and a support group at the same time. I feel great after our 90 min work out and I feel normal when I’m working out. I think that anyone with… Continue reading Jim Before RSB I had never boxed and hadn’t been in a gym since high school. Now, I look forward to RSB every week for the camaraderie with other people with Parkinson’s in a doable, empowering 90 minute program dedicated, unlike other exercise programs in which I participate, just to those of us with PD. Doctors’ appointments, short-term… Continue reading Paul It’s been 10 years since my Parkinson’s diagnosis and one year participating in Rock Steady Boxing Boston with Coach Al Latulippe. My mobility, strength and motivation have increased remarkably. When I would lose my balance, I would fall. Now, I have the strength to catch myself, breaking the fall. If I do fall, I now… Continue reading Madeleine It is hard to believe that I am in my tenth month at Rock Steady Boxing Boston because in my 71 years I have never lasted this long with any exercise program. Having been diagnosed with Parkinson’s about a year and a half ago, I was eager to learn as much as I could about… Continue reading Barbara I started attending the Rock Steady Boxing at the beginning of this summer. I have found that I am getting a lot out of it, some things I was not expecting. I knew I would meet great people and I did. I knew I would get a good workout and I do, every time. But there are a… Continue reading Julia I started going to the Rock Steady Boxing Boston classes about two years after I was diagnosed with Parkinson’s. I had always been fairly active but I didn’t know what types of exercise would be helpful in my situation. I was very happy to find something that was geared for participants with PD. The class is a… Continue reading Joellen Rock Steady Boxing has provided a place to workout and a staff to help improve my Parkinsonian symptoms. There are many words I could use to describe the program, here are four: intense, safe, challenging, and fun. The staff is knowledgeable and creative, and the members of the group are inviting and supportive. This is an environment where you… Continue reading Ralph